Instructions for authors |
Manuscript formatting The manuscript should be arranged at on row with 2 cm margins, on two columns and will contain the following items: Paper title, Authors name, Authors affiliation, Email address of correspondence author, Abstract, Keywords, Text, Acknowledgments, References and Appendix. There are no restrictions on manuscript length but our recommendation is that the paper should not exceed 12 pages. Please download the template for authors download here; Title The title must be concise and should suggest as well as possible the content of the paper. Title should be edited with TNR 16, bold, uppercase, centered. Names of Author(s) Author(s) name is the list under the title with TNR 12, uppercase, centered. Correspondence author should have also the email address. Authors’ Affiliation(s) For all authors should be mentioned the institution where they are affiliated, city and country name. Abstract Abstract must be short, not exceeding 250 words and have to highlight shortly: the purpose of conducted research, the placement of addressed theme in national/international context, the mentioning of the method proposed/applied or of the experiment conducted, the relevance of result obtained and the comparison with other methods or case studies. The article should be an original work of the authors. Abstract should not contain citations and must be written with TNR 10, bold. Key words The authors have to mention 3-6 keywords, which should differ from the words from the title of paper. Keywords must be written with TNR 10. Main text Introduction The section “Introduction” must be concise, clear and use the relevant and current citations related to research topic or theme. Introduction may contain: the formulation and completion of researched issue, study hypotheses, the importance and topicality of research theme, mentioning of relevant studies about research theme addressed, short description of proposed/applied study method, mentioning of main contributions from paper. Should be avoided excessive or irrelevant citations for addressed research theme. Methods This part of paper may contain many sections and subsections so the methods/models proposed/applied should be easily traversed and understood. For o clearer presentation the authors can use methods/algorithms or other techniques applied/proposed in graphical form. Experimental methods must be clear enough so these can allow the replication of study. Experimental research on human or animal subjects must have the approval of ethical committees. Also the authors can a have a short presentation of equipment used in experiments conducted, especially when these equipment are not the standard ones. Quantity/variables/parameters used in different methods/models must contain also the measurement units given for International System (SI) Case studies/Results/Discussion In this part of manuscript are presented (concisely) the results of research (experimental, simulations, evaluations, estimations), which are followed by discussions and eventually comparisons with others methods/algorithms/techniques used already in literature. In the paper should be presented only the results relevant for the conducted study. Should be avoided the presentation of results on tabular or graphical form. Also the irrelevant discussions should be avoided. In this part are presented the input used for the study either directly or by highlighting the reference from where they were taken. Some results may be presented in graphical form to be more suggestive. The results and discussions can be treated in the same section or in different sections. In this part can be mentioned the future research directions. Tables, Figuresand Equations Tables and figures inserted in paper must be relevant. Tables and figures should be numbered ascending with Arabic numbers (for example: Table 1, Table 2 and so on; Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and so on). Figures must be clear (we recommend the usage of coloured figures) taking small amount of memory (TIFF, JPEG, EPS and PDF are preferred) and the text should have at least TNR 7 size. Tables can be done with Microsoft Word, and the figures using adequate programs. The equations should be inserted in text and should be numbered ascending with Arabic numbers. Equations must be edited with Microsoft Equation Editor (in Microsoft Word is used). Acknowledgement (Optional) The Acknowledgement must contain the names of all who contributed to the paper, but are not mentioned as authors. Also, must include the name of the sponsors and other institutions/agencies that supported the research. Should be indicated clearly the grants who stood at the base of the conducted research. References References should be mentioned in “References” section in order of citation from within text, being numbered ascending with Arabic numbers. The references should be placed in square brackets (for example [1], [2, 4], [5-7, 8]). All the references must be translated to English. Authors are encouraged to inform themselves from Journal of Sustainable Energy (JSE) and use the papers published in this journal. Below are some citation examples. Paper in a Journal [1]. Billinton, R., Fotuhi-Firuzabad, M., Sidhu, T., S. – Determination of the optimum routine test and self-cheking intervals in protective relaying using a reliability model, IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, vol 17, no. 3, august, 2002, pg. 663-669 (26.) Paper in a Conference [2]. Bennet, A., Webb, A., C. – Computer techniques for the monitoring and testing of modern protecting relays, in Proc. CIGRE Conf., Paris, France, Aug. 1984, pg. 1-6 Book and normative [3]. Anderson, R.T. – Reliability Centered Maintenance, Elsevier, New York, 1990 *** P.E. 016/84 – Normativ de repara?ii la echipamentele ?i instala?iile specifice industriei energiei electrice ?i termice, ICEMENERG, Bucure?ti, 1984 Electronic source [4]. Petrescu, R., Constantin G. – Controlul tensiunii in retelele de medie tensiune care contin surse regenerabile, 2007, Retrieved on August 07, Available online: link. |