Papers are accepted continuously...
The Journal of Sustainable Energy (JSE) had its first appearance under this name in 2010. The history of JSE is the following: is formed in 2010 by transforming of 1993-2009 Analele Universitatii din Oradea. Fascicula de Energetica, 1224-1261. Which superseded in part (1991-1992): Analele Universitatii din Oradea. Fascicula Electrotehnica si Energetica (1221-1311); Which superseded in part (1976-1990): Lucrari Stiintifice - Institutul de Invatamant Superior Oradea. Seria A, Stiinte Tehnice, Matematica, Fizica, Chimie, Geografie (0254-8593); Which was formed by the merger of (1971-1973): Lucrari Stiintifice - Institutul Pedagogic Oradea. Geografie (1220-2940); (1971-1973): Lucrari Stiintifice - Institutul Pedagogic Oradea. Matematica, Fizica, Chimie (0475-039X); Both of which superseded in part (1969-1970): Lucrari Stiintifice - Institutul Pedagogic Oradea. Seria A (1220-2916); Which superseded in part (1967-1968): Lucrari Stiintifice - Institutul Pedagogic Oradea (1220-2266).
The Journal of Sustainable Energy (JSE) publishes original contributions in the field of the following topics :
- System reability and power service quality
- Generation of electric power
- Energy policy and economics (financial and customer markets, regulatory and financial issues)
- Energy development (solar power, renewable energy, waste-to-energy systems)
- Energy systems operation
- Energy efficiency, reducing consumption for conservation of energy
- Energy sustainability as related to energy and power production, distribution and usage
- Energy infrastructure issues (power plant safety, security of infrastructure network)
- Waste management and environmental issues
- Buildings and transportations energetics
- Urban community energy
- Management and engineering economics in energy
Any paper that is related directly or indirectly to energy is welcome.
The articles quality increases with every issue. Apart from its improved technical contents, a special care is given to its structure. The guidelines for preparing and submitting an article were modified and developed in order to meet high quality standards requirements. With every passing issue the peer-review process was developed too, being now a simple-blinded peer-review process.
Authors who wish to submit a manuscript to the Journal of Sustainable Energy (JSE) are kindly asked to send their manuscripts as DOC and PDF format to
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, according to the formatting instructions. Once the manuscript is submitted, the authors will shortly receive a feedback regarding the status of their submission. As the review process is completed, the author will be informed about the reviewers comments and the changes the paper should suffer in order to satisfy the journal quality requirements.
Journal of Sustainable Energy (JSE) is covered/indexed/abstracted in:
Publishing House name/address:
Editura Universitatii din Oradea
Universitatea din Oradea, Str. Universitatii Nr. 1, 410087, Oradea, Bihor, Romania
- ISSN: 2067-5534 / Print
- ISSN: 2284-6999 / Electronic
- Tel.: 00-40-259-408171 / 0724.258.087
- Fax: 00-40-259-408404
- Place of publishing: Oradea, Romania
- Year of the first issue: 1976
- Releasing frequency: 2 / year
- Language: English
Subscription fees: free of charge;
- Serial Type: Journal
- Frequency: 2 issue/year
- Electronic and print publications are free
- The JSE costs in printed form are:
Annual subscription price: Individual: 25 eur / Institution: 45 eur;

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