At CIE 2019 the registration fees are:
- 300 Lei, regular price;
(all the payments are made in Lei depending on BNR currency rate at the moment of paying in different currency) and includes:
1. Conference pack: badge;
2. Coffee - breaks, lunch and dinner in 6th of June 2019;
3. Coffee - breaks in 7th of June 2019.
The fee can be paid:
- 1. Bank transfer into account of University of Oradea; Treasury: RO55TREZ076504601X000278; Cod fiscal: 4287939
- 2. Bank tranfer into bank account of S.C. ENERGY PERFORMANT SYSTEM S.R.L. Oradea, C.U.I. 16500800, Reg. Nr. J051068/2004, Treasury: RO77TREZ076507024X007610
- 3.
Cash paid at registration desk of Conference.
Download: Registration Form - RO - EN
Deadline for sending the registration form is May 20st 2019.